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Lets Make Life A Little Sweeter

Meet Kama

Your Bartender Friend

Hi!! My name is Kama and I’m so glad you found this page. I’m all about finding new and creative ways to express myself in this life and one of them has been making beautiful cocktails! I’m so excited to share some sweet original recipes with you along with some sweet classics. Whether it’s making something nice for yourself, for your friends, or even a date I’m hoping you can take some of these skills and recipes with you and share some sweet love. I also have hooked you all up with some of my favorite sweet spots so be sure to check that out as well! Cheers to sweet nectar and a sweet life!


Check out Sweet Nectar Sweet Life on Instagram so you never miss a cocktail or sweet spot!!


Check out Sweet Nectar Sweet Life on Pinterest! See shared boards and get constantly inspired!